Nothing too drastic here...
We hope you find our website useful and we try very hard to keep it accurate and up to date. Read the info below for the typical "small print" about how it works and what can (rarely) go wrong.
All information on this website is thought to be true and correct at the time it is published. However, as our information comes from many outside sources, some information may have changed before we have had a chance to update it.
We will of course endeavor to verify all information that is displayed on this web site before it is published and to immediately update any changes that occur, or to correct any errors that are found after it is published. As such, all individual resort information (including rates, policies, descriptions, photos) is subject to change without notice.
Within the automated booking system, much of the information displayed is taken directly from each resort’s own computer system, and it is the resort’s responsibility to keep this information accurate and up to date.
We do not control the content on other web sites, and as such, are not responsible for the information found on any web site that is linking to or from this web site.
Condo and villa rates and details are subject to change without notice. CaymanVacations.com is a rental agency. We do not own, nor manage the daily operation of any of the properties that we rent, and do not set the various rates or deposit and cancellation policies – these are all determined by each individual resort / villa or by their property management company.
In an unforeseen situation only, it may be necessary to transfer guests to alternate accommodations. This will only happen in certain situations that may render a reserved condo or villa unit unavailable – this could include (but is not limited to) renovations, fire, damage to the condo or villa, the sale of the condo or villa, or other similar situations that are completely beyond our control. In the unlikely event of this happening, we will make every effort to notify the guest asap and to help find them a suitable replacement condo or villa in the same price range, quality and location.
The actual deposit requirements and cancellation policies vary with each resort or property management company. These rules and policies will be displayed during the automated booking process and on each resort page. You will be required to tick a box during the automated booking process, to verify that you have read and agree to the booking policies of the property that you have selected.
The actual booking policies (deposit amounts, cancellation period, etc) are set by each resort individually.
CaymanVacations.com does not charge any fees or process any payments whatsoever. All deposits / payments will be processed by the resort management office.
Not all resorts require a signed rental agreement. For those that do, it will be emailed to you once your reservation is made. You can keep a copy for your records, and you will need to sign the rental agreement and email or fax it back to the resort in order for your reservation to be completely finalized.